Homecoming (Lorezicus 2.0)

So I have not been consistent with my posts, but that’s all about to change. From here on out I solemnly vow to make a post once a week at the very least. I notice that I function significantly better when I have a means of venting my various thoughts. I’ve always found that the ideal outlets for me to vent were via discussion with friends and peers or via writing it out (which is usually done through overly-worded Facebook posts).

I’ll start out my “new era” with a quick post about the tragic sinking of the South Korean ferry (MV Sewol) that occurred on Wednesday, April 16th.

“A journey of a thousand leagues begins beneath one’s feet.” – Lao Tzu

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“You have to le…

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.” – Albert Einstein

I couldn’t say it better myself. There are quite a bit of people that watch House of Cards these days, so if you watch the show then you see exactly how true this Einstein quote is…anyways #HappyHumpDay. Remember to play the game and not to let it play you…stay ambitious my friends.

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Quote of the Day 2-18-14

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” – Abraham Lincoln

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The Perils of Not Driving When You’re A Political Front-runner

I decided that something was missing in my life. After flipping through CNN, Fox News, BBC and MSNBC last night and this morning, I realized that me venting my thoughts and having intellectual discussion was what I was truly missing. So hence, the return to my blog. In this entry, I will speak about a story that I’ve been hearing/reading about within the media quite a bit lately. And this is regarding former FOTUS (First Lady of the United States), U.S. Senator (of New York), Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

You can always tell that you’re doing rather well (and they can’t find real dirt on you) as a front-runner for political office when the best that your opposition can come up with to use against you is the trivial fact that you can’t/haven’t driven in X amount of years. Seriously…is that honestly the best that they can do?

I could imagine that as First Lady for 8 years, that become a US Senator (for another 8 years) just mere days after leaving her position as FOTUS, and then became a Secretary of State immediately after leaving the Senate…it must be pretty darn difficult to have the time (let alone the opportunity because of the SS) to drive. And even now, she’s a potential front-runner for POTUS, so I can imagine that her security detail wouldn’t be fond of her driving even now that’s she’s somewhat living a private life…just saying.

Heck, I’m a mere private citizen and I’ve driven only about once or twice within the past two years…and I do have a driver’s license.


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My State of the Union address

One thing that I have never, ever understood about individuals within this nation is the fact that they get so angry, so aggravated over the Zimmerman situation yet they seemingly ignore the real issues that are plaguing our society as a whole, especially within the Black and Latino communities.

Street/gun violence within major metropolitan areas such as Chicago, NYC, Detroit, Miami, Atlanta, Boston and my own hometown of Philly…violence where countless amounts of young lives are taken by the month…because of gangs, drugs, and other issues. What happened to that? Would you say that the justice system failed them also? Or did WE as a community, and as a people fail them? Instead of blacking out your profile photos for Trayvon, why not keep them eternally blacked out for each and every single young black and Latino child/teenager that has lost their lives out in the streets, especially the innocent. Instead of making marches about getting justice for Trayvon and/or threatening to kill Zimmerman and his family…ensure that children within your neighborhood are going to school and getting an education, ensure that they’re keeping away from the negative influences in the streets, do whatever you possibly can to ensure that they have a fighting chance to become admirable members of society.

Instead of chasing the little proverbial carrot that’s put in front of us by the media to chase whatever story they decide to put in front of us like mindless sheep, we should open our eyes and realize the REAL problems that’s going on within our very community, and possibly within our own homes. As my parents always told me if I have an issue with something, I should take time to reflect and find out the root issue. Then take action to help alleviate the issue. Because if you attempt to fix something w/o finding & addressing the root issue, then you’re just making a temporary fix. It’s like putting a bandage over an infected cut that needs to be disinfected and stitched up.

I am a young male and yes I have my faults, as do every single human being on this planet. Have I made mistakes? Plenty, but I learn from them and then “Keep Calm and Carry On”. Instead of putting the blame on others for our pitfalls (i.e. “the man”, “racist society”, etc) we should look within ourselves and say “What can I do as an individual to make a change for the better?” If you don’t like the justice system or our laws, that’s absolutely fine. You have the power to make a change. How might you ask? Truly research your elected officials before you vote to put them into office. Truly question them and their stances on the issues that truly matters to you. Elections should never be a popularity contest (i.e. voting for an official because they are black, White/Latino/Asian/Christian/Jew/Muslim/liberal/conservative or vice-versa not voting for them because they are White/Latino/Asian/Christian/Jew/Muslim/liberal/conservative), it should always be about the man or woman that you feel as if could do the best job for you and your loved ones.

That doesn’t quite cut it for you? Then work hard, go back to school if need be, and become a Congressman, a diplomat, or judge, or officer; someone that can truly make a difference in not only creating the law, but reviewing/interpreting and upholding it as well. All it takes is one person to make a difference. Nelson Mandela is a perfect example of this…he spent 2 decades tortured and imprisoned for his beliefs, yet he remained strong and in doing so, he made a real difference in apartheid and post-apartheid South Africa. The names of people that truly made a difference can continue Confucius, Winston Churchill, Anne Frank, Buddha, MLK, JFK, Oprah, Augn San Suu Kyi, etc.

Don’t make excuses because after all:

“Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds” – Franklin D. Roosevelt

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My Disgust upon Reading About an Undercover Police Officer Taking Advantage of an Autistic Student

The title of this post says it all, but then again…no, it doesn’t. Because not only am I DISGUSTED (be prepared to see quite a bit of strongly worded and appropriately-capitalized…words, you have been warned), but I am MORTIFIED and simply LIVID upon reading this story. Before you proceed to read this post any further, read the article (that I have provided a link for) directly below:

Parents Claim School District Failed to Protect Autistic Son in Drug Sting

As mentioned within this story, the undercover officer essentially entrapped, and yes I do use that term because this is EXACTLY what the officer did to this mentally-disabled student, who may I mention again has a mental disability that we all know as AUTISM! Speaking as the elder sibling to a younger brother who is diagnosed as autistic, this truly hit home as it deeply affected me personally. I dearly love my younger brother Jeremy and will do absolutely anything possible for him, even if it were to mean sacrificing myself for him. Despite his mental condition, he is highly intelligent, pretty self-reliant, and an amazing guy overall. He would not hurt a fly, well okay maybe I’m pushing it there because he would swat at a fly if it were buzzing around him haha…but he would not hurt another person.

However putting that all aside, I also know that due to his autism, his moral compass is not as, for lack of a better term…“independent”, as the vast majority of ours. His mental growth in some aspects are not as fully developed as other individuals his age and thus he is somewhat more reliant on individuals that he have grown to trust in order to determine right from wrong, good from bad. I would arguably say that it is somewhat similar to a younger child, or even a pet. Once the child/pet grows to trust an individual, it becomes semi-reliant on that trusted individual to teach them the right thing whether it’s (for a child) to not steal or (for a pet such as a dog) to not use the inside of a home for it’s personal bathroom.

So taking those factors into consideration, you can start to piece together what went wrong here. The officer not only manipulated the boy into trusting him, but then proceeded to further mentally abuse and manipulate the boy by trying to convince this autistic student (name withheld) to sell his prescription medication to him (the undercover officer), by which the student refused. He also tried to convince the student for weeks to buy drugs for him. Threw weeks later the student was able to secure a half joint of marijuana from a homeless person. According to documents filed within the Riverside County juvenile court, the student was then pressed again by the officer to procure more drugs, of which the student obtained another joint for $20 from another homeless person. The student is not only autistic, but also suffers from Tourette’s syndrome, bipolar disorder and other anxiety disorders…taking those matters into account, would he be the ideal person for you to run an undercover drug sting on? I personally wouldn’t.

Granted, maybe the officer was unaware of the student’s mental condition. But it is his job, as well as his superiors’ jobs, and the school facilitators’ (teachers & administrators) jobs to make this known to him before he proceeded any further with his undercover investigation because it would have been inexcusable for him to do so. The parents not only have every right to press charges against the school, but it should also do the same against the police department as well because quite simply, they should have had the mental/moral capacity to not continue to pressure a mentally-disabled child into acquiring drugs, which to me is entrapment! If the student was not mentally disabled, as I’m certain (or at the very least hope) was the case with the other 21 students that were arrested in the sting, then I would completely understand that because they should have the moral sense to know that buying/using illegal drugs is wrong.

Granted, the court did determine that there were extenuating circumstances and ruled that he would be put on informal probation and have to complete 20 hours of community service which would lead to a “no finding of guilt”. In my opinion, this should not have needed to escalate to this point because the officer should not have been trying to get him involved within this situation in the first place. But what makes me even more agitated is the fact that the school district had the audacity to suspend the student for an additional 10 days along with the threat of a possible expulsion. As the father of the affected student, Doug Snodgrass said that after a due process hearing that was conducted, the judge:

“Reversed the process of expulsion, citing that the court knew my son was targeted and was special needs, and yet the district did nothing.”

It is a truly horrific when not only the “Guardians/Protectors” of our society to fail to protect us (especially those who are not truly able to protect themselves)m but our “Educators” actively prevent us from furthering our education and social progress (especially those who are already socially-hindered). I truly hope that not necessarily the Temecula Valley Unified School District, but most definitely the administrators at the Chaparral High School pay for failing to protect one of their very own special needs students. And most importantly, I hope that other police and school districts take careful note of this incident to ensure that it is not replicated within their own respective districts/jurisdictions.

The most tragic part behind all of this is the fact that this is by no means whatsoever, an isolated incident. Special needs children are taken advantage daily by not only their “Educators”, or “Protectors”, but even worse, by their own families. I am just truly thankful that my younger brother Jeremy was born and raised into a loving family with loving parents and siblings that will do anything for him to ensure that he is not only well taken care of but also feels loved and appreciated, and even more thankful that we have all the means to do so. It is truly unfortunate that a good portion of special needs children are not born into this situation…hence why I vow to continue to fight for those that cannot fend for themselves.

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My Take on The Trayvon Martin-George Zimmerman Case

“Guns, drugs, in new Trayvon Martin evidence” – CNN Article

I would highly recommend for you to read the CNN article above before you read my rant.

Ok…finished? Good! Now I will assume that by this point, you have already read the aforementioned article regarding new evidence (taken from Trayvon Martin’s cell phone) that is being used by Zimmerman’s defense attorneys in a gambit to prevent prosecutors from attacking Zimmerman’s character during his trial.

Now, normally I would give a little backstory to the incident that I discuss in order to make it easier for readers to follow along, but I assume that most individuals are well aware of the Martin-Zimmerman incident by now…well I’ll give a little backstory anyway just in case.

To keep things concise (which, knowing me, won’t be really concise at all) I’ll just give a brief overview, you can google the incident/case if you would like more details. The incident took place on February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida. Trayvon Martin, an unarmed 17 year-old African American was allegedly heading home from a trip to a nearby convenience store. And I use the term allegedly because no one but the deceased could confirm as to where he was going, although I’m pretty certain that he was indeed heading home. George Zimmerman, a 28 year-old multi-racial Hispanic American was in vehicle on a personal errand within the gated community (where Martin was temporarily residing & where the shooting took place) as pertaining to his duty as the appointed neighborhood watch coordinator for that community.

Zimmerman noticed Martin walking into the community around 7:09 PM, and he construed Martin’s actions as suspicious as evidenced by his phone call to the Sanford Police Department in which he stated (regarding Martin):

“This guy looks like he’s up to no good, or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about…and looking at all the houses.”

About two minutes into the call Zimmerman remarks that Martin is running, the police dispatcher then proceeds to ask “He’s running? Which way is he running?” At this point Zimmerman leaves his car and proceeds to follow Martin. Zimmerman follows Martin until he eventually loses sight of him. The dispatcher then ask Zimmerman if he is following Martin to which Zimmerman confirms. The dispatcher proceeds to tell Zimmerman

“We don’t need you to do that.”

To which Zimmerman responds by saying “Okay.” Zimmerman then asks for police to call him upon their arrival so he could provide them with his exact location. He then ends the call at 7:15 PM.

Now the rest of the story is solely from Zimmerman’s account as he is the sole witness to the alleged confrontation since the only other witness is Martin, the deceased. According to Zimmerman, as he was allegedly returning to his vehicle after following Martin, he was confronted by Martin from behind. According to Zimmerman, Martin punched him in the face which caused him to fall down. Martin then proceeded to beat his head against the sidewalk. Zimmerman then stated the he called out for help while being beaten, but Martin covered his mouth in order to silence his screams. Martin saw Zimmerman’s gun (which is legally owned by him) as he was trying to get up, and proceeded to tell Zimmerman

“You’re going to die tonight motherfucker!”

Martin then grabbed for the gun, but Zimmerman grabbed it first and proceeded to shoot Martin.

However, as any individual would know, there are always two sides to a story. Unfortunately, due to the fact that the alternate account of that night’s events could only come from Martin himself, who is deceased, we only have a very limited account of the event from his perspective. This brief insight into the matter from his perspective comes from a female friend of Martin who happened to be on the phone with him as he initially arrived within the community. She stated that Martin was scared because he noticed that he was being followed by an unknown male and he did not know why. Investigators said that Martin then attempted to run home, but Zimmerman followed him. This is the point at which the dispatcher realized that Zimmerman was following Martin and advised for Zimmerman to not follow Martin. From that point forward, the trail becomes rather cold as we only have one account for the remainder of the night’s events.

Whew, that’s finally out of the way! Now finally, my perspective on things. I cannot make too many objective assumptions because I, just like everyone else but Zimmerman know very little of what truly went down that night after he ended his phone call with the police. However, the one thing that we do know for sure is that Martin was shot and killed by Zimmerman that night, and that Zimmerman was legally licensed to own the firearm that he used to shoot Martin. Now it all boils to whether or not Zimmerman acted in self-defense. The dilemma is that both sides have a solid foundation for their respective arguments. Prosecutors can, and have already essentially argued that Zimmerman unjustifiably followed Martin, even after being recommended to not do so by police, thus instigating a potentially-hostile confrontation (which did indeed occur, with fatal results…) The defense will, and have already argued that Zimmerman acted in defense of his person, especially after Martin allegedly stated that Zimmerman would die and reached for Zimmerman’s firearm.

Initially many individuals believed that Zimmerman would go for a “Stand Your Ground” verdict in which, if proven to be factual, would have essentially omitted him from having to go any further in trial. However, his defense bailed on that notion and settled for a self-defense case. I personally believe that the main reason why they did not go for a SYG verdict is because, simply put, a SYG defense by Zimmerman would have been rather difficult for them to validate, especially considering the fact that Zimmerman essentially created this whole scenario by proceeding to follow Martin (an individual who he deemed as suspicious) in the middle of the night, even after being recommended by police to not do so.

Was Trayvon a perfect, or absolutely amazing individual that many portray him to be? I do not personally know him, but from what I have read about previous incidents of misconduct in school, drug usage, or even the items found within his cell phone, I would say not really. Would I have been walking around in the middle of the night, in the rain, wearing a hoodie? No, but then again that is simply me, because my parents raised me to avoid any form of trouble by any means necessary…even if it is for ridiculous things that incite unwarranted instances of prejudice (which is unfortunately quite frequent within our society these days). With that being said, from Zimmerman’s perspective, I can understand his initial suspicion upon seeing a strange individual walking into his community on a rainy night with a hooded sweatshirt (with the hood pulled up) and hands inside just walking through and looking into houses. Especially taking into consideration that the community has recently undergone a string of burglaries. He did do the right thing by calling police with his suspicion. Now, where he went absolutely wrong (and this could potentially cost him his freedom for some time) is by following the person that he is suspicious of, especially after the police dispatcher told him that they would send an officer to the area, and advised for him to not follow the individual. It quite simply was not his job to do so, this is what the police are for. I do not personally know whether Martin confronted Zimmerman as he claims, but I am rather certain that the alleged confrontation would not have occurred if he did not follow Martin, which further means that he would not have to be currently worrying about whether or not he would spend a substantial portion, if not all, of his life in prison.

And now to bring this all full-circle with the article that I posted at the top of this post. Regardless of what the defense tries to pull out of the dark recesses of the earth to try and show jurors, the media, and the rest of the public that Trayvon Martin was a thug, or misguided youth (or whatever they want to try and label him as), they will have a tough time justifying why George Zimmerman decided to follow Martin which inevitably led to the entire conflict. The prosecution will definitely argue that Zimmerman was the aggressor which will essentially invalidate his self-defense claim. The fact that he followed Martin will undoubtedly help to support this alleged viewpoint.

Regardless of how this trial turns out, I will say this with certainty: There are not, and will not be any true winners in this case because we have an incident that ended with a dead teenager, a man that came out of it alive but mentally-scarred as a result of it and events that followed, devastated families, and an ever-divided nation. I just truly hope that we can use this tragedy as a lesson learned and to put aside petty differences, and squabbles to truly work on a solution that will fix this problem rather than wait for history to repeat itself (as we tend to do) with more victims, whether proven to be innocent or not.

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“A world withou…

“A world without women is like a garden without flowers, but a world without men is like a garden without a gardener.”

A simple, yet eloquent answer to one of life’s greatest mysteries…how would life be without men or women? Reached by a really good friend/former suitemate of mine back in our FIU days haha.

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How China’s “One-Child Policy” Has Begun To Backfire On Them

China’s one-child policy (计划生育政策) was initially applied in 1979 as a way to alleviate economic, social and environmental dilemmas within China by curtailing the over-exceedingly large Chinese population growth. The policy limits each urban Chinese family to only one child (though there are exceptions applied for twins, rural families and ethnic minorities). The only regions exempt from this policy are the China’s Special Administrative Regions of Macau and Hong Kong. Foreigners residing within China are exempt as well.

While the Chinese government has claimed that the One-Child Policy was an overall success because it decreased the birth rate and strain on national services, there has been some major consequences behind the policy’s implementation as well. One such consequence is the “four-two-one problem“. The problem stemmed from the legally-enforced only children growing up to become adults themselves, and having to solely take on the burden of supporting both of their parents and all four of their grandparents (hence the term four-two-one). As a direct result of this, it leaves older generations with an increased dependency on personal savings, pensions, state welfare and charity to support them. If they were to fail for any reason, then they would be entirely dependent on the single child. If the single child is unable to care for their elder relatives, then those elders would be left in the cold. Another major issue that China is beginning to face head-on is a declining and aging labor force due to the underwhelming amount of working-age Chinese as a result of the One-Child Policy.

Arguably, the most prevalent of all issues stemming from the One-Child Policy is the gender imbalance that comes as a result of it. The issue with China, along with many other Asian nations, is that a has a very long history of son preference. The notion that sons (especially within rural families) are overwhelmingly preferable to daughters because men are viewed and treated as being superior to women within their society. According to an economist, Avraham Ebenstein, when making decisions about sex-selection for their first-borns, Chinese families viewed a first-born son to have a worth of about 1.85 years of income, while on the other hand a first-born girl will hold a value of only about 0.43 years of income. That ill-conceived notion plus the one-child policy did not equate to good things for Chinese women. Because of the regulations enforced by the one-child policy, female babies often became underserving victims to heinous acts of abortion and infanticide, in order for the parents to try again for a male child.

However, all of this came with a price. A price that Chinese men and the Chinese government is finally starting to realize. As a direct result of the decades of gender bias, there are over 30 million more men than women in China. Simply stated, there just is not enough women for the men in China. Some of the alarming statistics are as follows:

  • 88% of all single Chinese between the ages of 35 and 39 are male. Within this same age group, 99% of females are married.
  • It is projected that by the end of this year, about 1 in 10 Chinese men will not have a female counterpart. And by the late 2020s 1 in 5 Chinese men will be without a female counterpart.

Many Chinese women are acutely aware of how highly in demand that they are, and for that they are making both Chinese men and the government pay dearly. There are now many Chinese women, particularly single, educated Chinese women in their late twenties (labeled as shengnu, or ‘leftover women’). The Chinese government is desperately attempting to get the women within this demographic to seek marriage, however shengnu are not vainly searching for a mate as their male counterparts are. They are enjoying their relative freedoms and will only settle for men that make more money than themselves. In fact, to further push back they took the name that the government used to classify them, shengnu, and swapped it for a another word that is pronounced the same but written differently and means “victorious woman”.

Another way that women (and their families) are getting their just desserts is by requiring for potential suitors to not only have good jobs with good pay, but also an apartment as well as a betrothal gift (usually $10,000 or more) to the family of the bride-to-be. Ironically, this is al helping to further drive the growth of the Chinese economy. The scarcity of Chinese women gives them a substantial amount of bargaining power (simple supply & demand). These women’s demands are helping to drive China’s economy as real estate appreciation increases along with consumer spending.

The best way to describe this whole new era in modern “One Child-era” China is summarized in a statement made by a Chinese expecting-mother, Lucy Wang, as she explains why the expecting parents hopes that her first-born child will be a girl:

“We wouldn’t have to buy her an apartment, and she’d cost us less than a boy.”

My, how times have changed.

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My Biggest Fear

As I sit here in my room listening to Beethoven’s “Moonlight Sonata” while awaiting a phone interview that could potentially be a game-changer for me, my mind dwells of times past, current, future and may never be…as I sit deep in thought, I receive a text. Granted, I receive text messages quite often from numerous people, yet this one particular text stood out to me. While the question asked is a common one, it stood glaringly within my thoughts for quite a while after the question was posed…the question asked was “What’s your biggest fear?”

That question is not foreign to me, yet it affected me more than it ever has before…why I ask myself? Then I hearken back to times past…times in which I would often ask/remind myself of my greatest fear. The thing about my greatest fear is that it is a major part of me, my psyche, who I was, who I am, who I strive to be…before I divulge any further into my fear, I might as well say what it is.

Most individuals harbor fears of losing loved ones, themselves, material wealth, social status, etc…my fear is much larger than that (in my opinion)…it encompasses so much, yet it is not made clearly known to most people that know me. My greatest fear, the one that haunts yet drives me daily is my fear of failure.

My life is centered on the goals/milestones that I set for myself. Things that I have accomplished such as graduating high school, going to college, becoming President of Alpha Kappa Psi, graduating from college, making a positive impact in people’s lives…along with things that I have yet to accomplish such as make an even greater impact in many people’s lives, help many less fortunate than myself, travel the world, secure a future in something that I truly want to do, find the right woman for me, etc…are all goals that have helped to define me as the man that I am today. Yet those exact goals, those goals that define me, also breathe life to my largest fear of all. 

My consistent goal-setting and ambition gives more power to my fear of not succeeding and losing it all. While my health and mortality is a constant worry of mine (as shared by many other people), it is minute in comparison to my fear of failure. My fear of failure is not solely driven from my desire to want to do good for not only myself, but my family and people less fortunate than me, no it is much more than that to me. The best way to truly understand what I mean is to go back in time a little.

Growing up as the eldest of 3 children born to (legal) immigrants from an island nation that is neither a third nor first world country…I grew up with a lot of pressure and expectations. Those expectations and pressures were never an issue for me however, because not only were my parents always loving and supportive, but I personally loved the pressure and expectations. I craved the constant chance to test myself and further harness and improve upon my own personal capabilities, as I still do to this day. I knew that the day would always come in which I would have an opportunity to truly make a difference, yet I knew that there would be many obstacles to overcome and crucial decisions to make as well. Yet I was always readily prepared for them. So therefore, I grew up with a constant belief in myself and my capabilities, which sometimes border-lined arrogance.

My first true brush with my ultimate fear was at the end of my first semester in college. My own self-confidence almost caused me to lose it all. I, thinking that I could go out and pleasure myself of the (legal) experiences that Miami had to offer, chose to forgo my schoolwork and personal studies for days and nights of fun because I thought that I could, as I did in high school, allow my brain to push me by successfully with flying colors as I did throughout my elementary, middle & high school career. Man, was I wrong. My grades suffered for the first time in my life, and my parents noticed it. I’ll never forget that the call at night that I received from my parents…my mother crying and audibly upset along with my father’s disappointment…I honestly would have rather them to just simply yell and be angry with them, but their obvious disappointment in me cut me the deepest. I being a good child, have never truly witnessed my parents’ disappointment in me…so it really hit home.

I then began to think, think about how my parents, spent so much of their personal wealth, money that they could have easily used to do even more greater things for themselves…yet they used this to do things for me such as buy whatever reading books I wanted, paying for my Tang Soo Do karate lessons for over 10 years, and then paying for me to not only go to college in Miami, but for me to live comfortably down there and to never have want nor need for food or anything of the sort, yet I was so close to throwing that all down the drain for some pointless fun…

I thought of how I would feel if I were to not able to make my ambitions a reality, how I would feel if I were to fail. That was my first true brush with my ultimate fear. This now brings me back to days of present, with me sitting in my thinking chair listening to “Moonlight Sonata” while waiting for the phone to ring.

I have, and know of so many people, that truly believe in me, people that look up to and admire me, people that invest in me (both emotionally and etc). Random people that I may briefly meet and converse with in the street, or airport, or NYC train, or other random locales that I have been to have told me, after speaking with me, statements along the line of “Wow, young man, you have truly inspired me.”, “You have completely exceeded my initial, and misguided, expectations of you.”, or one of the more common sayings “I know that you will accomplish great things”, “You will be a great leader one day”…statements like these drive me, yet also grant more power to my fear. Not only do I have friends, and family,   and neighbors, and fraternity brothers, and classmates, and coworkers that believe me in me, but also random people as well. I can’t stand to let them, and as a result, myself down.

However, taking all of those things into consideration, it won’t happen. If I fail, not only do I fail them, but I fail myself as well. And as I mentioned before, I absolutely, positively refuse to allow that to happen. Granted, I know that things will be tough, and that I may not accomplish everything that I strive and set out to do. Some plans/goals may fail, and some may change, yet I will do my absolute best to ensure that, as I like to quote (one of my personal favorites) one of my favorite philosophers Niccolò Machiavelli

“The end justifies the means.”

Within my recent years of life, I have come across this interesting yet true revelation. That even in the darkest of times, there is always a beacon of light, a glimmer of hope. My little Misato/Meishing Pang reminded me of that when she presented her paddle, one that she spent long days and nights painting and carving with tools to serve as an everlasting reminder that not only will there always be a light to be found (hope) in the midst of seemingly-imperishable darkness, but I have actually been that glimmer of light in someone’s life, hers. Most people may not have noticed the true meaning of those words that she spoke to me when she presented her paddle to me, but I did…when she told me that I was her beacon of light (just like a candlestick, which she presented to me) through her dark times within her pledge process, those words empowered me in a way that I didn’t think possible. Those words & this candlestick: 


are a constant source of strength and motivation for me, and I will eternally be grateful to her for her belief in me and this truly thoughtful/amazing paddle. 

I will always remember that my greatest fear is also my greatest motivator. My fear of losing it all will forever drive me to continuously hone and improve upon my skills. I will continue to be that lone lighthouse shining its beacon of light in the midst of a raging storm with dangerous waters for whoever may get lost within the darkness. I cannot and will not give up, and neither shall any of you in whatever personal struggles that you may encounter!

I will now bring this post to a close with another personal favorite quote of mine; this one was delivered by Winston Churchill in a speech that was given in regards to the WWII British victory during the Second Battle of El Alamein in Egypt on November, 1942. 

“Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

This victory came at a time in which the British were losing to the Nazis (and later the Italians under Mussolini as well) on every front, France collapsed and was thus surrendered to the Nazis, an impending invasion of the British Isles by the Germans was underway, and British morale was at an all-time low. The war seemed lost for many Brits and many Allied nations, yet they “kept calm and carried on“. The Second Battle of El Alamein in Egypt was the first significant land victory by British forces, but it paved the way for much larger turning points in the war. It led to the invasion of Italy and Sicily which caused the fall of Fascist/Mussolini Italy, and later the rest of the Axis. After all was said and done, the end did justify the means. Despite the possible inevitability and fear of losing it all, the British pressed on despite the seemingly overwhelming odds. Churchill’s words proved true. It was indeed not the end nor the beginning of the end. But it was most definitely the end of the beginning. Allow those words to resonate through you whenever you encounter a difficult time in life, and I am certain that you too, will find a way toKeep Calm and Carry On”.

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